Lingli He, Ph.DPostdoctoral Fellow

Lingli got her Ph.D. degree in Development Biology from Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020. From 2015 to 2020 in professor Lei Zhang’s lab, she mainly focused on the function and regulation study of the Hippo signaling pathway in development, differentiation, and tumorigenesis. She revealed the mechanisms of how cells orchestrating proliferation and apoptosis for organ size control and tissue homeostasis (Cell Reports, 2020), identified glucocorticoids (GCs) as activators of TEAD4 to induce tumorigenesis and drug resistance in triple-negative breast cancer (Cancer Research, 2019), established a de novo model for liver tumorigenesis (STAR Protocols, 2021), and optimized a repeatable two-step ChIP protocols (STAR Protocols, 2021).
Lingli joined Dr. David Scadden’s laboratory in April 2021. She now aims to understand how metabolism regulates the fate and function of blood stem and progenitor cells. She will initially focus on small molecule tool development that exploits the metabolic vulnerabilities of malignant myeloid cells. However, she proposes that malignant cells highlight fundamental cell processes not always evident by other means. Through the study of malignancy, she seeks to determine what normal cells must protect to preserve the integrity of the blood system.

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